Project Home LA
Project Home LA

  • Project Home



    At ProjectHome, we'll help you make the home of your dreams a reality. We'll start with an evaluation of your current space -- what works and what doesn't-- and then design a plan that meets your goals, whether that is adding-on additional space, or reconfiguring within your current footprint.   

    We can modernize a dated look, cut through or remove walls to create an open plan, design your dream kitchen, update bathrooms, utilize wasted space, etc., to enhance the way you live and increase your property's value. 

    We'll work with you to define the goals, scope and budget for the project and prepare the plans. The right planning upfront eliminates costly change orders, rework and delays down the road. Then we'll interview contractors, evaluate bids, and make it happen. 

    We'll take the stress out of the construction process by being there to manage the project, supervise the work, make decisions and ensure that the job is proceeding according to plan, so that you can focus on your own daily tasks.



    Process Management

    Proactive management of the design and construction processes


    We know how to design a room or entire floor-plan that maximizes and compliments your living space.

    Materials and Finishes

    We'll help you make wise buying choices for appliances, flooring, cabinets, etc. with style and budget in mind.

    Big Picture
    We'll map the course for cabling, home entertainment, security, home automation and more before work begins.